Thursday, November 13, 2014

We have moved!

Hey guys! new site is open and in progress! Peridot Dreams! Thank you so much to everyone who has visited Technicolour Soul! I hope you will visit the new site!

Friday, March 28, 2014

Ariana Grande Blend

Ok I made this a while ago but never uploaded it so I hope you like it!

I think this was the Victorious era... or just after, hence the Red hair!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

New Look!

Hey guys big, big apologies for my absence, I hope to start updating again soon!

For now here is the new layout, The Hundred from the new US Sci-fi Show by the same name but styled as The 100.

So I hope you like it! See you soon!

Friday, August 23, 2013

Ashlee Simpson - In Another Life CD Cover [Fanmade]

Hey guys! another new cover! This one is from Ashlee Simpsons 2nd album ' I Am Me'

The track is called 'In Another Life'

I thought i'd give the image a cooler feel to it to match the title.

Hope you like it!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Ashlee Simpson - Rulebreaker - CD Cover [Fanmade]

Here is a new update! I know shocker huh! anyway hope you are fans of Ashlee Simpson... well some of you are...

This is from her 3rd album Bittersweet World! It's called Rulebreaker.

Hope you like it

Saturday, July 27, 2013

New updates and new layout!

Hey guys sorry for my long absence... i've been on Holiday and been busy with other things... not to mention I lost all ideas so it took me a while to get going again.

Anyway here is a new layout! this time of Fifth Harmony so I hope you like it!
I'm going to figure out the colouring to make a new script as I saved this design before working out what i'd done.

New designs coming soon!

Friday, May 24, 2013

Lady Antebellum 'On This Winters Night' Blend

Hey another new blend! This one is one Lady Antebellum. The pictures are from the shoot for their Christmas 'On This Winters Night'

So I hope you like it!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Ashley Tisdale Blend [Fanmade]

Hey guys! so new design, finally! I made earlier today. Using two images from an Ashley Tisdale Photoshoot. I used a new script on this which I have just uploaded to my tumblr (check it out in the sidebar)

So yeah i'm back and hopefully more designs coming soon!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Old Blends - Complicated Designs Era

Hey guys! I haven't really made any new designs lately but here are some old designs (blends) I made whilst running my old sites. All of the blends are from my old piczo site Complcated-Designs.

So I hope you like them... just a reminder I made them years ago in 2008 I think.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Kelly Clarkson - Don't Waste Your Time Cd Covers [Fanmade]

I made these two covers a while ago, but never uploaded them so I hope you like them. They took ages to make as well, especially the second one! This track was taken from Kelly 3rd album My December

I hope you like it!

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